I recently attended one of the biggest agriculture expo in Baramati, India. It offered various innovations in Agriculture industry. I got a brochure contains Irrigation schedule, Dripping schedule and insecticide for tomatoes plant in this expo and thought to share with agriculture lovers. This was provided free of cost and agriculture enthusiastic can follow this schedule to maximum production of Tomatoes plant. Below picture is taken from tomatoes plantation which followed below plantation schedule.
Dose for One Acre
1) 10:26:26 – 4 bags
2) Single super phosphate – 5 bags
3) Potash 4 bags
4) Secondary liquid food – 2 bags
5) Humi G 20 Kg
6) Namato G- 20 Kg
7) Fungi G- 20 Kg
8) Borchol – 10 Kg
9) Sanvardhan – 10 Bags
Tomatoes Dripping Schedule
1) Before plantation of tomatoes, percolate below
Blue magic 1 liter + flora 250ml + Nimntosan 1 kg
2) During plantation of tomatoes
Flora 250gm + Funginil 1kg + Carbendazim 500g drenching
3) 2 days after plantation of tomatoes
Vruddhi 1litre + Flora 250gm
4) 5 days after plantation of tomatoes
Funginil 500gm + 19:19:19 2kg
5) After 10 days of tomatoes plantation
Magnifert 500gm + Zinfert 1kg + Silica fert 1kg + Chlorpyrifos 1 Liter
6) 15 days after plantation of tomatoes
Bluemagic 1litre + Nimatosan 1 kg + Flora 250gm
7) 20 days plantation of tomatoes
12:61:1:00 3kg + Combifert liquid 1 litre
8) 25 days after plantation of tomatoes
Silica fert 1kg + Chlorpyrifos 1litre
9) 30 days after plantation of tomatoes
12:61:1:00 3kg + Borocrop 1 kg
10) 35 days after plantation of tomatoes
13:40:13 3 kg + calcifert 500gm
11) 40 days after plantation of tomatoes
12:61:00 3kg + Flora 250gm
12) 45 days after plantation of tomatoes
00:52:34 3kg + sizer 2litre
13) 50 days after plantation of tomatoes
access 1 litre + Cabfert 500 gm
14) 55 Days after plantation of tomatoes
19:19:19 3 Kg = Vruddhi 1 litre
15) 60 days after plantation of tomatoes
Chlorpyrifos 1litre + Nimatosan 1kg + Blue Magic 1 Litre
16) 65 Days after plantation of tomatoes
12:61:00 3KG + Magnifert 1Kg
17) 70 Days after plantation of tomatoes
00:52:34 3kg + SIzer 2 litres.
Tomatoes Fertilizers for one litre water
1) 5 days after plantation of tomatoes
Ecoside 2 ml + Dymithate 1 ml + Funginil 2 gm
2) 7 days after plantation of tomatoes
Voyrosan 2gm + butter milk 5ml + zincfert + Nimisyde 2ml + Vruddhi 3ml
(Minimum 8 to 10 days once sprinkling is required)
Karpa for tomatoes plant (for one litre water)
1) Liquid bordex 1ml + Bacterisan 1.5gm
2) Carbendazim 1gm + Blue Magic 1ml
3) Bacterisan 2gm + Tebuconazole 0.5 ml
4) Blue Magic 1ml + Funginil 2gm
5) Bacterisan 2gm + Propiconazole 0.5 ml
Should be sprinkled once in 7 days.
Insecticide for Tomatoes plant (for one litre water)
1) Imidacloprid 0.5 ml + Ecocyde 2ml
2) Nimisyde 2ml + Deltamethrin 1ml
3) Larvasida 1ml + Dichlorvos 1ml
4) Ecocyde 2ml + Thymithoczyme 0.5 gm + Lamda Cyhalothrine 1ml
5) Nomaite plus 2ml + Ithian 1ml
6) Nimisyde 3000ppm 1ml + spinosad .30 ml
7) Should be sprinkled once in 7 days.
For flowering of tomatoes plant (for one litre water)
1) Growsteam 1ml + Cabfert 1 gm
2) Growthsteam 1ml + Borocrop 1gm
3) Brosofit 1ml + ZIncfert 1gm (7 days after flowering)
For tomatoes fruit setting (for one liter water)
1) Sizer 3ml + cabfert 3ml
2) Access 2ml + Silica Fert 1gm
3) Brosofit 1ml + Calci Fert 1mg ( should be sprinkled in an interval of 5 days)