Hercules is named after the Roman mythological hero, and it is the fifth-largest constellation among the 88 modern constellations (covers 1225.1 square degrees and 2.970% of the night sky). Although the constellation has no particularly bright stars, it possesses some stars visible to naked eye (above magnitude 4). Alpha Herculis is one of these stars and is a triple star. Beta Herculis (Kornephoros, a yellow giant) is the brightest star in Hercules constellation. Delta Herculis is a double star (separable even in small amateur telescopes, same as Gamma Herculis and Kappa Herculis). 30 Herculis (g Herculis) and 68 Herculis (u Herculis) are variable stars of Hercules. There are also fifteen stars that host planets in Hercules constellation: 14 Herculis (hosting two planets), HD 149026 (hosts a hot Jupiter), HD 154345 (hosts a long-period planet that takes more than 9 years to complete its orbit), HD 164922 (hosting a long period Saturn-like planet), HD 147506 (hosts a massive planet, of 8.6 Jupiter masses), HD 155358 (hosts two planets), GSC 03089-00929 (hosts one planet), Gliese 649 (owns a saturnian planet), HD 156668 (hosts one plent), HD 164595 (hosts one planet).

Among the constellation’s deep-sky objects, we can name its globular clusters (M13, NGC 6229, and M92) and a number of beautiful planetary nebulae (Abell 39 and NGC 6210). As its name suggests, the largest structure in the visible universe, the Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall, lies in this constelaltion. By visible univeres we mean the space in which photons have had the time to travel so far from the beginning of time. This space that has been shed light on is observable today. There is also a world (containing many galaxies) located in Hercules cluster called Hercules Cluster (Abell 2151).