Canis Major Constellations Astronomy Information

Canis Major was first cataloged in Ptolemy‘s list of 48 constellations and still makes the list among the modern 88 constellations. Canis Major means ‘Greater Dog’ in Latin. From the major features of this constellation is containing the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius. This star is very bright as it is very close to the solar system, the other stars in Canis Major are more luminous but they are much further. Epsilon Canis Majoris (Adhara) is the second-brightest star of the constellation; the third is a yellow-white supergiant Delta (Wezen); the forth is a blue-white giant called Beta (Mirzam); then there are the blue-white supergiants Eta (Aludra), Omicron2, and the white spectroscopic binary Zeta (Furud). One of the largest known stars so far, red hypergiant VY Canis Majoris is also located in Canis Major. There are also plenty of variable stars in Canis Major. EZ Canis Majoris is a Wolf–Rayet star, and we still do not know the cause of its variability. W Canis Majoris is a variable, carbon star and is a red giant. Tau Canis Majoris contains two stars orbiting each other and blocking one another’s light thus they are categorized as variable stars (their magnitudes differ in different periods). This particular feature qualifies this star as a Beta Lyrae-type eclipsing multiple star system. UW Canis Majoris has the exact same features, it is also a Beta Lyrae-type eclipsing multiple star system. R Canis Majoris can be categorized the same, with a companion lying further from the central binary system.  

There are also stars which host planets in this constellation. Nu2 Canis Majoris (an ageing orange giant) is orbited by a planet (2.6 Jupiter masses). HD 47536 is another ageing orange giant orbited by a single planet. HD 45364 (G8 type star, cooler than our Sun with spectral type G0V) hosts two planets. HD 47186 is another sunlike star hosting two planets.  HD 43197 is another sunlike star with a Jupiter-size planet orbiting it in eccentric orbits. Z Canis Majoris consists of two pre-main-sequence stars (young stars). This is a particular stellar system as one of its components is a FU Orionis star (stars that change significantly in spectral type and magnitude) and the other is a  Herbig Ae/Be star (young stars with ages less than 10 Myr and of spectral type of A or B). The Herbig star is enveloped in a cocoon-like dust shell and its light shines through this cocoon. The in-falling material that formed the whole system is still surrounding the stellar system.

As deep-sky objects, Canis Major contains plenty of open clusters:  M41 (NGC 2287), 12 Canis Majoris, NGC 2360, NGC 2362,  NGC 2354. NGC 2359 (Thor’s Helmet or the Duck Nebula) is a beautiful emission nebula lying 10,000 light-years from Earth. This nebula is shaped by WR 7 (HD 56925) which is a Wolf–Rayet star and is located at the heart of the nebula. The  Canis Major Dwarf galaxy is the closest satellite galaxy to Earth and its name suggests that it is affiliated with Canis Major constellation. The origins of this galaxy are still under debate.

NGC 2359. The image credits go to ESO.
The core of NGC 2359 which is a  Wolf–Rayet star called WR 7.

NGC 2207 and IC 2163 are a pair of interacting spiral galaxies lying 125 million light-years from Earth. IC 2163 is the smaller component and it is hypothesized to be merged into NGC 2207 eventually.

NGC 2207 and IC 2163. The image credits go to NASA.

Capricornus Constellations Astronomy Information

Capricornus is a familiar name for those who are fans of fantasy stories – its name signifies goat horn in Latin, and is among the Zodiac signs. In the zodiac signs, it is referred to as a half-fish, half-goat configuration – much imagination needed here!! Ptolemy entered this constellation in his list of 48 constellations, and it still counts as one of the members of the modern 88 constellations. This constellation is bordered by its other counterparts:  AquilaSagittariusMicroscopiumPiscis Austrinus, and Aquarius. It is sea-related somehow due to its name, and mainly because it is surrounded by other sea-related constellations: Aquarius, Pisces, and Eridanus. Thus the area these constellations are residing in is simply called Sea.

The image credits go to IAU.

The constellation’s alpha star is among the visible stars to naked eye belonging to Capricornus. Generally, this is a very dim constellation. δ Capricorni (Deneb Algedi, or the tail of the goat in Arabic) is the brightest star of this constellation, and it is relatively close to us (only 39 light-years away from Earth). Speaking of its type, it is a Beta Lyrae variable star (a type of eclipsing binary).

There are also multiple stars in this constellation, such as α Capricorni. It is composed of two main stars which are distinguishable by eye and they themselves are multiple stars. β Capricorni is a double star which are distinguishable in binoculars.  γ Capricorni is also visible to naked eye, and is a white-hued giant star located 139 light-years from Earth.

Among the deep-sky objects, there is M30 which is a famous globular cluster, and a group of galaxies called  HCG 87. This is a group of (at least) three galaxies (one elliptical galaxy and two spiral galaxies, one face-on and the other edge-on) lying 400 million light-years from Earth.

HCG 87 containing two spiral galaxies and one elliptical galaxy. The image credits go to NASA.

Cassiopeia Constellations Astronomy Information

Cassiopeia is one of the rare constellations which its name is inspired by the name of someone, and in this case, it is the queen Cassiopeia in Greek mythology. She was arrogant and thought her beauty was unrivalled in the ancient myths. This constellation was also listed in the 48 constellations of Ptolemy, and still makes the list among the 88 modern constellations.

The image credits go to IAU.

Alpha Cassiopeiae (Schedar, derived from the Arabic word Al Sadr which means breast) is the brightest star of Cassiopeia (of magnitude 2.2), but there are occasions during which it is outshone by the variable Gamma Cassiopeiae (of magnitude 1.6). Alpha Cassiopeiae is a multiple stellar system and is composed of four stars. Beta Cassiopeiae (commonly called Caph that means hand) is a white-hued star fairly close to Earth (55 light-years away). Although perhaps not that famous, Cassiopeia contains some of the brightest stars discovered or some generally interesting cases. Among the bright stars, we mention the yellow hypergiants Rho Cassiopeiae and V509 Cassiopeiae and the white hypergiant 6 Cassiopeiae. The famous Tycho Brahe’s supernova which flared in 1572 is also located in Cassiopeia constellation. This is a remarkable supernova because it was among the eight supernovae visible to naked eye historically. A supernova is the energetic explosion of a star which its afterglow can be seen for days (depending on how energetic it would be).

The variable stars of Cassiopeia are: 50 Cassiopeiae,  Zeta Cassiopeiae,  Theta Cassiopeiae,  Iota Cassiopeiae (a triple star system),  Omicron Cassiopeiae (another triple star), Eta Cassiopeiae (which is a spectroscopic binary). The last one is also an RS Canum Venaticorum variable which means the binary components own active chromospheres leading to the emergence of stellar spots.  Kappa Cassiopeiae is another particular star of Cassiopeia which is a runaway star, and a blue supergiant. Due to its strong magnetic field and wind of particles, it is surrounded by a visible bow shock colliding with the interstellar gas and dust (see figure below). This bow shock is relatively huge in dimension, it covers an area of 12 light-years long and 1.8 light-years wide.

 Kappa Cassiopeiae imaged by Spitzer infrared image (NASA/JPL-Caltech).

Cassiopeia A which is the brightest extrasolar radio source in the sky is also located in this constellation and is a supernova remnant. There are fourteen stellar systems that host exoplanets in Cassiopeia constellation. Since a rich section of Milky Way flows through Cassiopeia constellation, it contains several open clusters:  M52 (NGC 7654), NGC 457NGC 457NGC 663, and M103 (NGC 581).

There are also binary stars belonging to Cassiopeia constellation: Sigma Cassiopeiae and AO Cassiopeiae.  Psi Cassiopeiae is a triple star belonging to this constellation, located 193 light-years from Earth. There are also yellow hypergiants which are among the most luminous stars of our galaxy: Rho Cassiopeiae and  V509 Cassiopeiae.  PZ Cassiopeiae which is one of the largest stars known to date also resides in Cassiopeia constellation.

PZ Cassiopeiae (upper right) imaged by WISE infrared.

The irregular galaxy IC 10 is also located in the Cassiopeia constellation, and is a starburst galaxy which means it is a star factory at a high rate.

IC 10, the Local Group dwarf galaxy (PI: Philip Massey, Lowell Observatory).

Heart Nebula and Soul Nebula are neighboring nebulae in Cassiopeia constellation.

Soul Nebula. The image credits go to NASA.
Heart Nebula photographed by ASI2600mc-pro.

Leo Star Constellations Astronomy Information

Leo means lion in Latin and is among the twelve zodiac signs. In Greek mythology, this was the lion killed by the hero Heracles. Leo is one of those rare constellations that hold a zodiac sign under its name and also has many bright stars.  Alpha Leonis is a very bright star in the night sky (1.35 in magnitude) and is a double star divisible even in binoculars. Beta Leonis (Denebola, the lion’s tail in Arabic) is another bright star (2.2 in magnitude) of the constellation. Gamma Leonis is a binary star accompanied by a third optical component. Note that the structure of this star is different from Zeta Leonis which is an optical triple star. Iota Leonis is another binary star in the constellation which is divisible in an amateur telescope. Tau Leonis is a dimmer double star.  R Leonis is a red giant, Mira variable star, and  Wolf 359 (CN Leonis) is a flare star that periodically brightens up in the night sky. CW Leo (IRC +10216) is a carbon star that is the brightest star observed at the infrared N-band (10 μm wavelength).

The image credits go to IAU.

Leo is also home to many bright galaxies:  Messier 65 and Messier 66 make up for the Leo Triplet along with NGC 3628Messier 95Messier 96, and Messier 105. Leo also owns some of the most massive structures in the universe, large quasar groups called Clowes–Campusano LQGU1.11U1.54, and the Huge-LQG.

 NGC 3628, Sarah’s galaxy, or the Hamburger galaxy captured by ESO’s VLT.
M66 captured by ESO’s VLT.
M95 captured by Spitzer.
NGC 3368 captured by ESO’s VLT.
NGC2903 captured by ESA/NASA HST.

Hercules Star Constellations Astronomy Information

Hercules is named after the Roman mythological hero, and it is the fifth-largest constellation among the 88 modern constellations (covers 1225.1 square degrees and 2.970% of the night sky). Although the constellation has no particularly bright stars, it possesses some stars visible to naked eye (above magnitude 4). Alpha Herculis is one of these stars and is a triple star. Beta Herculis (Kornephoros, a yellow giant) is the brightest star in Hercules constellation. Delta Herculis is a double star (separable even in small amateur telescopes, same as Gamma Herculis and  Kappa Herculis). 30 Herculis (g Herculis) and  68 Herculis (u Herculis) are variable stars of Hercules. There are also fifteen stars that host planets in Hercules constellation: 14 Herculis (hosting two planets), HD 149026 (hosts a hot Jupiter), HD 154345 (hosts a long-period planet that takes more than 9 years to complete its orbit), HD 164922 (hosting a long period Saturn-like planet), HD 147506 (hosts a massive planet, of 8.6 Jupiter masses), HD 155358 (hosts two planets), GSC 03089-00929 (hosts one planet), Gliese 649 (owns a saturnian planet), HD 156668 (hosts one plent), HD 164595 (hosts one planet).

The image credits go to IAU.

Among the constellation’s deep-sky objects, we can name its globular clusters (M13, NGC 6229, and M92) and a number of beautiful planetary nebulae (Abell 39 and NGC 6210). As its name suggests, the largest structure in the visible universe, the Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall, lies in this constelaltion. By visible univeres we mean the space in which photons have had the time to travel so far from the beginning of time. This space that has been shed light on is observable today. There is also a world (containing many galaxies) located in Hercules cluster called  Hercules Cluster (Abell 2151).  

Abell 39 captured from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter using the Schulman 32 inch Telescope.
NGC 6210 captured by ESA/NASA HST.